Esquire’s Top 25 Semi-finalists for the “Best Dressed Real Man”
A&B is well known for suiting up some of the best dressed real men in the world, but having Angel Ramos in Esquire’s top 25 semi-finalists for the “Best Dressed Real Man” just confirms it even more! Ramos, a luxury real-estate specialist in Atlanta and client of A&B rep Anne Cox, describes his style as “eclectic elegance.” “I’m very strict when it comes to fit and details. The rest should be improvised with your own touch,” says Ramos. Wise words from a man who obviously knows the style game.
Now I know you are thinking, “This is huge! How can I help Angel win?!”. I thought you’d never ask…go to to view his profile and click “Vote for this profile”. Yes, it’s that easy!
The contest for Esquire’s “Best Dressed Real Man” ends in 27 days so get to clicking!
Oh, and by the way, while you are on the “Best Dressed Real Man” website, be sure to check out the 2008 winner and A&B client as well, Kenyatte Nelson!
Best of luck Angel!