Our goal is to process and ship your order within 1-3 business days of receipt.
For items that are not yet at our warehouse, please allow 2-3 weeks for the item to be processed and shipped.
A tracking number will be emailed to you when your order ships. This tracking number will allow you to check on the delivery status of your order. All of our orders are currently shipped via FedEx. Due to payment type and that company’s approval procedures, there could be a delay in shipping your order if the billing information is inaccurate, if your billing and shipping addresses are different, or for any other reason that the payment company’s approval process is interrupted.
All orders will be shipped with the Standard method unless other arrangements are needed. Standard transit times depend on where we are shipping to and can range from 1-5 business days. Express options are available and can be specified upon checkout. Prices may vary depending on the service selected as well as the size of the products ordered. All charges are final at the time of checkout.
If Overnight shipping is required on your order of an in stock item, any order that is placed before 2PM EST will be shipped out the same day as long as the payment process has completed. Orders placed after 2pm EST will be processed and shipped the next business day.
If you have any questions or concerns about an order or would like to confirm any details, please call us at 614.365.3000.
Green Shipping
In our continued effort to minimize waste and lessen our impact on the environment, please note that your order may arrive in a previously used shipping box.
Astor & Black takes every measure possible to make sure we deliver the highest quality product at the best value, but in the event you are not happy with your product, we will be glad to help you with any refunds or exchanges.
Ready-to-Wear items from the Astor & Black Online Store may be returned for a full refund within 14 days of purchase. Exchanges on Ready-to-Wear items from the Astor & Black Store will be accepted for up to 30 days of purchase. All merchandise must be returned in the same manner as is arrived to you. We will not accept any items that have been worn, damaged, or are missing tags, labels, or packaging. Return shipping may be at the cost of the customer unless otherwise approved by Astor & Black Corporate.